Forum Rules |
By Antone Roundy Site Administrator | Score: 1
- Keep it civil. Hostility will not be tolerated. Feel free to disagree, but do so respectfully.
- No spamming.
- If you have products or services to offer, do so in the "Service Offerings" sections only.
- If you post in the Common/Service Offerings section, do not cross post in the regional Service Offerings sections.
- If you wish to post an offer for all regions, use the Common/Service Offerings section rather than cross posting in all the regional sections.
- Use of the Events sections.
- The events sections can be used to list any kind of event to which you would like to invite members of the organization. Examples include lunch and learn sessions, seminars you are presenting at (see below), groups attending a sporting event together, open invitations to meet somewhere for dinner, etc.
- Non-free events for which you are being paid should generally be listed in the Service Offerings section.