10K Alumni Hubs Host Guidelines
Small, local, low-maintenance business networking
Goal of the Utah 10K Alumni Hub Program
- Connect Utah small business owners in small, informal groups of people who live and/or work in the same area.
- Be a resource for each other for brainstorming, masterminding, and referrals, and do business with each other.
Structure of a Hub
- A Hub consists of a small group of business owners from a geographical area.
How large or small your Hub is is up to you.
When your Hub feels like it has grown too large, you can split into multiple Hubs.
- Ideally, 3-4 members per Hub will share the duties of hosting small events/meetings once a month.
- We recommend finding a consistent day to meet each month (for example, every second Thursday) and rotating who is in charge.
Alumni Hub Host Requirements
- Patience and kindness with the Utah 10K Alumni Team
- We are all volunteers.
When our own businesses' needs demand our attention, we may have to put work for the organization on the back burner.
- This is a marathon - not a sprint.
- Each alumni you connect with is a win for all!
- Ingenuity and excellent networking skills
- Key to Success:
- Connect with your cohort alumni through LinkedIn, lists you've curated during the program, 10KSB Connect, and other resources.
- Share your events and contact information with the Utah 10K Alumni Communication Team to be shared on the website and social media pages.
- Alumni contact lists are confidential.
- Focus on building relationships
- Create a win-win culture in your Hub, and everything else will fall into place.
- The skill set of doing more with no budget
- There are no funds for events - be creative and remember "Dutch Treat!"
Duties of an Alumni Host
- Create and nurture a win-win Hub culture based on relationships, not sales.
- Participate in the monthly Utah 10K Alumni Virtual Meeting. (At least one of your Hub Hosts should be there for event updates and new ideas.)
- Google Meet on the First Thursday of the Month at 10:00 a.m.
- Communicate 1-2 times a month with your Hub Hosts to identify dates and solidify details for a minimum of 3 - 6 months of monthly events/meetings.
- Submit events to Utah 10K Alumni Communication Team to be shared on our website and social media platforms (minimum 2 if not 3 weeks prior to the event.)
- Reach out to your cohort through your social media accounts, emails, texts, etc. to invite your cohort alumni to events, to be a part of the Utah 10K Alumni Network, etc.
- Work with the communication team to spread the word of your specific Hub (Wasatch Back, SLC, Murray, Tremonton, Utah County, etc.) to identify the businesses in your area.
- Your Hubs will be added to the Utah 10K Alumni website and social media pages.
- Reference the 10KSB Connect resource for your local map to identify Utah Alumni Businesses in your area.
- Host fun events that focus on connecting and brainstorming, not sales.
- Building relationships with like-minded business owners is the number one goal.
Location of Hosted Events
- Free locations with no fee/cost to the hosts.
Preferred locations
- Group member-owned coffee shops, restaurants, work spaces, conference rooms, etc.
Hosting Free Alumni Hub Events
- Dutch Treat
- Each attendee is responsible for their own expenses (coffee, hot chocolate, meal, etc.)
- Sponsorships
- Hub Hosts have the option of finding a sponsor to pay for the meal, location, etc. for their event.
- Brainstorm with Karin Palle on what an Alumni Hub Event Sponsorship can include.